
How Often Should You Clean Your Windows?

how often should you clean your windows

Most people don’t realise how much dirt and grime build up on their windows until the sun hits just right—and by then, it’s too late. On average, your windows are exposed to 15 times more dust, pollen, and pollutants than other surfaces in your home. If left too long, that buildup can lead to permanent damage, not to mention a cloudy view.


How often should you clean your windows? Many homeowners ask this question, and the answer depends on factors like location, weather, and window type. Clean windows not only improve the appearance of your home but also boost natural light and energy efficiency.


In this article, we’ll explore the best cleaning schedules for indoor and outdoor windows, highlight key signs that it’s time for a wash, and share tips on when to call a professional. You’ll walk away with a clear idea of how often to clean your windows and how to keep them looking their best year-round.

30 Second summary

Keeping your windows clean makes a noticeable difference. Ideally, you should clean them twice a year, in spring and autumn.



You may need to clean more often if you live near heavy traffic or in a dusty area. Outdoor windows get dirtier faster than indoor ones and can usually be cleaned less frequently. Hiring a window cleaning professional can save time, especially for larger or harder-to-reach windows. With simple tools and a few tips, you can easily maintain spotless windows that brighten your home and improve energy efficiency.

Understanding Different Cleaning Frequencies

For many people, cleaning windows twice a year—usually in spring and autumn—keeps them looking clear and clean. However, if your windows are exposed to a lot of dust, pollution, or harsh weather, you may need to clean them more often. For example, living in an urban area or near a construction site could mean cleaning them quarterly or even monthly.

Factors That Affect Your Cleaning Schedule

  • Location: If you live near a busy road, construction zone, or factory, you’ll deal with more dust and grime than if you’re in a quieter, rural area.
  • Climate: Wind, rain, or snow can lead to dirt buildup much quicker, while homes in sunny, dry climates may not need as frequent cleanings.
  • Window Type: Windows with external screens or those made from special glass, like anti-glare coatings, may need extra attention.

Best Times of the Year to Clean Windows

The weather greatly influences when it’s best to clean your windows. Although you can clean them year-round, some seasons offer better results.

Spring Cleaning for Your Windows

Spring is an ideal time to clean your windows. Winter often leaves them dirty with streaks from rain, snow, and wind. A thorough spring cleaning will remove winter grime, allowing more natural light into your home during the sunnier months.

Preparing Windows for Winter

Late autumn is another great time to clean your windows. Removing dust and debris before winter sets in will help prevent streaks caused by condensation as temperatures drop.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Window Cleaning

When planning your window cleaning schedule, it’s important to consider the differences between indoor and outdoor windows.

Frequency Differences Between Indoor and Outdoor

Outdoor windows get dirtier faster because they’re exposed to the elements. You may need to clean them every few months, especially if you live in an area with high pollution or frequent storms. Indoor windows usually stay cleaner for longer, so cleaning them twice a year is typically enough unless you have kids, pets, or smokers in the house.

Tips for Indoor Window Maintenance

– Use microfiber cloth to avoid streaks.

– Clean the frames and tracks regularly to prevent dust buildup.

– Check for condensation and clean it quickly to avoid mould growth.

The Impact of Weather on Window Cleaning

Weather can make a big difference in how often you clean your windows and how well the job gets done.

Rain and Dust: How They Affect Your Windows

Rain doesn’t actually dirty windows, but when it mixes with dust and other particles on your windows, it can leave marks. Windy days or dust storms can also throw dirt onto your windows, meaning you’ll have to clean them sooner.

Cleaning Windows in Humid Climates

Humidity can cause streaks or watermarks on your windows. If you live in a humid area, you might need to clean your windows more often to keep them looking crystal clear.

Signs It’s Time to Clean Your Windows

Not sure if it’s time to clean your windows? Keep an eye out for these common signs.

Streaks, Dirt Buildup, and Smudges

If you notice visible streaks, smudges, or a film of dirt on your windows, it’s time to clean them. The longer you leave dirt to build up, the harder it can be to remove.

Reduced Natural Light in Your Home

Dirty windows block sunlight, making your home darker. If you notice less natural light, your windows might need a wash.

DIY vs. Professional Window Cleaning

You may prefer cleaning your windows yourself, but in some cases, calling a professional is the better choice.

Pros and Cons of DIY Window Cleaning

Pros: It’s cost-effective, you can do it on your own schedule, and there’s satisfaction in doing the job yourself.

Cons: It’s time-consuming, requires special tools, and it can be tricky to get that streak-free shine.

When to Call a Professional Window Cleaner

If you have large, high, or difficult-to-reach windows, or simply don’t have the time, hiring a professional is a smart move. Pros have the tools and expertise to make your windows sparkle.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Windows

Using the Wrong Cleaning Products

Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch your glass. Instead, go with water and vinegar, or a gentle glass cleaner.

Cleaning Windows on a Sunny Day

While a sunny day might seem perfect for cleaning windows, the heat can cause your cleaning solution to dry too fast, leaving streaks. It’s better to clean on a cloudy day or when the sun isn’t directly on the windows.

How to Clean Your Windows Efficiently

Best Tools for Window Cleaning

Squeegee: A must-have for streak-free results.

Microfiber cloths: Great for wiping down and polishing.

Window cleaning solution: A simple mix of water and dish soap, or water and vinegar, works wonders.

Step-by-Step Window Cleaning Guide

  1. Prepare your solution: Mix water with a small amount of dish soap or vinegar.
  2. Wash the windows: Wipe them down with a sponge or cloth soaked in the solution.
  3. Squeegee away: Start at the top and use smooth, overlapping strokes to wipe away the water.
  4. Wipe the edges: Use a microfiber cloth to clean the frames and any remaining water.

How Dirty Windows Can Affect Your Home

Energy Efficiency and Dirty Windows

Dirty windows block sunlight, meaning you’ll rely more on artificial light, which can increase energy costs. During colder months, grime can block the warmth from the sun, reducing passive solar heating.

Aesthetic and Curb Appeal

Clean windows make your home look well-maintained, both inside and out. If you’re looking to sell, spotless windows can significantly boost curb appeal.

Window Cleaning Safety Tips

Ladder Safety During Window Cleaning

Always use a stable ladder and ensure it’s on a flat surface. Avoid reaching too far to either side—move the ladder instead to prevent falls. More information on ladder safety tips.

Avoiding Injuries While Cleaning Windows

Wear gloves to protect your hands from cleaning solutions, and consider safety goggles to avoid any splashes.

Green and Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning Solutions

Natural Cleaning Products You Can Use

Simple solutions like water and vinegar or baking soda for tougher grime are excellent for streak-free windows without harming the environment. How to prepare a homemade window cleaner.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning

Using green cleaning products reduces your chemical exposure, protects the environment, and is often cheaper and easier than you think.


How often should you clean your windows?

Twice a year is a good starting point, but if you live in a high-pollution area or deal with a lot of dust, more frequent cleaning might be necessary.

What’s the best time of year to clean windows?

Spring and fall are great times for cleaning windows, as you’ll be dealing with buildup from winter or summer weather.

Should you clean both indoor and outdoor windows regularly?

Yes, both indoor and outdoor windows should be cleaned regularly, though outdoor windows often need more frequent attention.

Is it okay to clean windows after it rains?

Yes, but let the windows dry completely before cleaning to avoid streaking.

Can dirty windows affect the temperature in your home?

Yes, dirty windows can block sunlight, reducing natural heat in cooler months.

Should you hire a professional for window cleaning?

If you have large or hard-to-reach windows, hiring a window cleaning professional is often worth it.